HLx2 Challenge: Week 1


It’s the end of Week 1 of my personalized Healthy Life – Happy Life Challenge. I’m so, so appreciative of all the support you’ve shown me. So the big question is: how did I do?

There’s good news and not-so-good news. Let’s start with the good news: I met my fitness goal! I did my four 30-minute workouts this week even though I had to seriously slog through two of them. I had “I-hate-this-I-hate-this-when-will-this-be-over-oh-my-god-I-am-going-to-die-on-this-treadmill-this-is-it-right-here-right-now” running through my head the whole time. I am happy to report that I didn’t die and I actually surprised myself by being able to make it through all of my workouts.

Now the not-so-good news: I didn’t meet my daily average calorie goal. My daily average calorie intake far exceeded my goal because of a huge binge on Thursday and some overeating on Friday that raised the average substantially. I think I know the reason behind the binging and overeating that happened this week though: I didn’t eat enough on Wednesday. Because I ate below my calorie target on Wednesday (by just 170 calories!), that resulted in me binging on over 3,000 calories the next day. Because I binged in the afternoon and was feeling too full to have a proper dinner, by the time I woke up on Friday, I was super hungry again and I overate throughout the day. Lesson learned: I should try to eat the same amount of food every day.

However, there’s still hope: because my goal was to eat 1,800 calories/day when averaged over the entire month, by trying to cut back a bit during the next few weeks, I may still make my goal. This may totally backfire on me, but we’ll see.

I haven’t noticed any differences in my energy level or mood. I’m still tired all the time, but I’m not surprised since I didn’t meet both of my goals and I’ve only just started my challenge. One thing I have noticed is that it’s easier to force myself to do something (exercise) than to force myself to not do something (eat). I’m sure there’s some brilliant way to use this fact to my advantage, but I’m too tired to think of one. (If you think of one, please let me know. Cheers.)

All in all, I guess I did okay this week. Going forward, I need to focus more on utilizing those strategies I learned in counselling to prevent binging. I’m also hoping my body will soon adjust to exercising more. At least I won’t have my period any time again for the rest of this month. Fact: Exercising with your period is really just an act of self-torture (am I right, ladies?). Week 2, here I come!

11 thoughts on “HLx2 Challenge: Week 1

  1. Good job on week 1. You’ve been on my mind a lot and I have been sending good thoughts your way. You did great with the exercising and it sounds like overall you did well with the food piece too. It sounds like you learned something at least from the slip-up…just how vital it is for you and your body to make sure it gets ALL of those calories you need EACH day. I worry a little bit about your idea to try and cut calories or limit yourself a bit so that you can average out for your goal. My thought is that will automatically set you up for a binge if you aren’t getting what you need throughout the day. But I could be completely off on that.

    Good luck on week 2 and the rest of the weeks!!

    • Thanks for sending me the good vibes! I’m worried about that too, but I calculated it and I would need to cut back on only 50 calories/day for the rest of the month to meet my goal. 50 calories is like…a few crackers or a small handful of fruit? And I would also be eating the same amount every day (just 50 calories less than originally planned). It seems doable, but I can definitely see it backfiring on me for the reason you mentioned. Even if it does, then that’s simply another lesson learned. No risk, no reward!

      How have you been doing?

      • That is a very good point. I wouldn’t think 50 calories would have a huge impact on that then…especially, if like you said, you would be doing it everyday.

        I had one solid night, and the rest have been pretty rough. What’s happening more now than ever is on quiet days at work, I’ll have the urge to binge during the day, which I never struggled with before. It’s getting a bit frustrating. 😦

      • Binging during the day is what I struggle with most now too! I used to primarily binge at night, but since work forces me to get up early, there’s been a switch. Maybe because I’m tired by noon? I wish I had some advice to offer you, but at least I can let you know that I totally feel your struggle.

  2. That’s good progress Kristen! I haven’t been in the mood to exercise lately but you’ve inspired me to do some pilates in a minute. I’ll do it grudgingly, but I’ll do it. So thanks!
    It does sound as though you’re learning more about what is helpful for you in terms of food, and that’s encouraging. Good luck 🙂

    • Yay for Marnie! Congratulations for doing well with your challenge too! I’ve never done pilates before because I HATE yoga. I don’t know if that’s being unfair to pilates, but I always assumed they were similar.

      • Aww, thank you! 🙂 And yep, they are similar. If you hate yoga I do not recommend pilates. Haha. I’m just limited to low-impact stuff in my broken state!

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